
29 - JULY - 2021

S5 MCA batch of Vidya secures 92.75% pass in KTU exams

S5 MCA batch of Vidya secures 92.75% pass in KTU exams

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

In the recently published results of S5 MCA University examinations, 92.75%  students of the S5 MCA batch of Vidya have secured total pass by passing…

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Vidya organises online model KEAM examination

Vidya organises online model KEAM examination

Author: Santumon SD

Vidya is exceptional in conducting various programmes for the benefits of the student’s community. As part of Vidya’s Initiative for Better Engineering (VIBE-2021) …

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More placements at Capgemini, Hasheval, UST, Cloud Vandana, and Quest Global

More placements at Capgemini, Hasheval, UST, Cloud Vandana, and Quest Global

Author: Chakola Paul Johny

As results continue to flow in from the various online…

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EEE Dept organises training on fundamentals of CAD jointly with CE Dept

EEE Dept organises training on fundamentals of CAD jointly with CE Dept

Author: Dr. Mary P Varghese

The EEE Dept of Vidya conducted a training session…

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Inspiring life story of Prof Biswa Nath Datta, a great well wisher of vidya

Inspiring life story of Prof Biswa Nath Datta, a great well wisher of vidya

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

In the past several weeks, these pages of News & Events presented several news stories featuring Prof Biswa Nath Datta, a great well wisher of Vidya…

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ME student performs with Mridangam maestro Dr Kuzhalmandam G Ramakrishnan

ME student performs with Mridangam maestro Dr Kuzhalmandam G Ramakrishnan

Author: Arun KL

Adarsh Ajaykumar is a student of S6 B Tech (ME) …

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M Tech (Embedded Systems) student presents paper in international conference

M Tech (Embedded Systems) student presents paper in international conference

Author: Dr. Swapna Kumar S

Ms Devikrishna (S4 M Tech - Embedded Systems) …

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EEE faculty members participate in TEQIP II sponsored online FDP

EEE faculty members participate in TEQIP II sponsored online FDP

Author: Dr. Mary P Varghese

Ms Akhila R and Mr Praveesh V V, Assistant Professors of the EEE Dept, attended TEQIP II sponsored five-day online Faculty Development Programme... 

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CE faculty member participates in training program on irrigation assets mapping

CE faculty member participates in training program on irrigation assets mapping

Author: Dr. C. Justine Jose

Ms.Chithira Ajeeth (AP, CE Dept) participated...

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CSE Dept bids farewell to Mr Ravishankar S

CSE Dept bids farewell to Mr Ravishankar S

Author: Dr. Ramani Bai V

The CSE Dept of the College organised an informal online meeting to bid farewell to Mr Ravishankar S who recently quit his job as Assistant Professor …

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Useful products from waste jeans cloth: ME students implement a novel idea

Useful products from waste jeans cloth: ME students implement a novel idea

Author: Dr Ramachandran N

The students of the ME Dept of Vidya developed a technology to easily make various useful products from old jeans cloth. The student’s invention would …

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News & Events weekly newsletter sports a new cover design

News & Events weekly newsletter sports a new cover design

Author: Dr. Krishnachandran

The News & Events weekly newsletter being published by Vidya is widely distributed among all the stake holders of Vidya and also among the general public …

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